1. [Warming up] 이과에서는 다음을 배운다. Expressions : Are you ready yet, Alex? / I told you to ~ / I'm getting dressed. I'll see you in ~ / Have you washed up like I told you to? / Grammar : Be동사의 의문문 / getting + 형용사 / 시간의 경과를 나타내는 전치사 in / 완료의문문 / 동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 ( I told you to hurry.) Pronunciation : 파열음의 불파열 (I told you to hurry and get down here. ) Colloquial Expressions : I can't believe this. I'm positive that I left them in my jacket pocket. I am kind of busy mom. I'm in a hurry. Get out of my way. Slow down. Why are you in such a hurry? Because my alarm clock didn't go off. I see what you mean. You slept in. Sorry. I was busy playing with my friends outside. What are we having for dinner?