
I wasn’t born yesterday.

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1. Basic Patterns

I wasn't ~ [1] ready to talk. [형용사 + to 부정사] I wasn't offended. [과거분사] late. [형용사/부사]

2. Expressions

Read the following out loudly, your teacher will check the things you might do wrong. [ Bear in mind your stress, intonation and more importantly try to put your feelings there!] I wasn't prepared to talk 말 (발표)할 준비가 안 됐었어요 I wasn't ready to talk. 말 (발표)할 준비가 안 됐었어요 I wasn't able to attend the meeting 그 회의에 참석할 수가 없었습니다. I wasn't drunk. 취하지 않았어요 I wasn't offended. 그렇게 불쾌하지 않았습니다 I wasn't asked. 질문을 받지 않았습니다. I wasn't late. 늦지 않았습니다 I wasn't right. 제가 옳지 않았습니다 I wasn't brave enough. 충분히 용감하질 않았습니다 아래의 문장을 다섯 번 이상 실제 상황처럼 큰 소리로 말해 본다. I wasn't quite done. 끝나지 않았었어요. I wasn't able to get the birthday cake. 나는 생일 케이크를 받을 수 없었다. I wasn't there. 난 거기에 없었다. I wasn't ready to say good bye. 나는 작별 인사를 할 준비가 되지 않았다. I wasn't comfortable at all. 나는 전혀 편하지 않았다. I wasn't prepared to talk in detail about it. 나는 그것에 대해 자세히 말할 준비가 되어 있지 않았다.