You sound drunk (1)
How are things at your new job (1)
Why didn’t you tell me (1)
Why didn’t you answer my phone call (1)
Why didn’t you say no (1)
You sound just like your father (1)
Why didn’t you show up for class (1)
Why didn’t you wake me up (1)
You sound like you need to rest (1)
North Korea’s bluff should be a White House wake-up call (1)


Why didn’t you tell me?

왜 내게 말 안했니?

wake-up call

이제 일어나라’ ‘꿈 깨라’라는 모닝콜(wake-up call) 경각심

You sound ~

‘sound’는 “~하게 들리다”라는 뜻이겠죠? 즉, 들은 것을 근거로 “~인 것 같다”라고 말할 때 “You sound ~”와 같은 표현을 씁니다 1. You sound drunk. : 취한 것 같네. 2. You sound just like your father. : 꼭 네 애비처럼 말하는 구나. 3. You sound like you need to rest. : 휴식이 필요한가 보구나.