I’ll look around a little more to buy better gifts (1)
He lives out Main Street (1)
I’m really stressed out here (1)
He came all the way over to Korea from South Africa (1)
Boil down this medical herb (1)
Let’s pull it over and ask the man over there (1)
Can I try it on (1)
The scientists wrote up their research (1)
tie up a parcel (1)
I will leave everything up to you (1)
He did it right off without waiting (1)
pull over (1)
I am thrilled to have you over (1)
I went up to the teacher’s table (1)
Thanks for tuning in (1)
Why don’t you sleep over (1)
Out with the thieves (1)
If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen (1)
Hear me out please (1)
I was done in. (1)
The patient was wheeled in (1)
The repair work did them in (1)
On with the work (1)
Who was it you left me for (1)
Sorry to bother you. May I get through (1)
Offers of help are rolling in (1)
I hope you'll tune in. (1)
I went down to my office in the city (1)
He’s coming through just as I expected (1)
She asked me over for dinner (1)
I’ll shop around to buy some gifts for my family (1)
chain up a dog (1)
The match ended up in a victory for our opponents (1)
Down with the tyrant (1)
Who did you have pizza with (1)
I have maxed out here (1)
The only girl I care about has gone away (1)
Bird Flu is circulating around in China (1)
This rubbish must be burned down (1)
My house is just down that alley (1)
But I come to when it's early in the morning (1)
I know this road inside out (1)
Down with your guns (1)
Come in (1)
On with your hat (1)
Drink up (1)
She tore up the letter (1)
The police rounded up the habitual criminals (1)
The state trooper pulled me over for doing (1)
Can you pull over just after the post office (1)
Dress up (1)
She fainted but came to in a few minutes (1)
Letters rain in (1)
hold on (1)
They noticed me come in (1)
Now is the time to speak out (1)
Pump a well out (1)
He puts his hat on (1)
She is well-built and knocks out (1)
water down (1)
Who did you have a crush on (1)
What grade are you in (1)
He wears his sweater outside in (1)
Stoney liked to live out every day (1)
Dress down (1)
Thank you for coming in (1)
Catch up to the leader (1)
He chewed me out so harshly (1)
Ask him to come in (1)
Up workers (1)
He brought her to by artificial respiration (1)
Off with your hat (1)
Out to Lunch (1)
boil down (1)
Water down the whiskey (1)
She clammed up (1)
I have to carry it through (1)
Out with the truth (1)
What department are you in (1)
I took my troubles down to Madam Ruth (1)
It never go through (1)
Two bears came out of the forest (1)
I am locked out (1)
You look tired out (1)
Is Mr. Robert in please (1)
What quarter is the wind in (1)
Don’t stand out if you don’t want any trouble (1)
Off with his head (1)
Out with it (1)
Down with racism (1)
They went over to Paris by plane (1)
Fasten up your seat belt (1)


Up, workers

‘노동자들이여, 궐기하라’의 경우 ‘Up with the workers’보다 ‘Up, workers’가 격문에 더 적합하다.


up과 down은 수직 방향을 나타낸다. 그래서 ‘차곡차곡 쌓다’는 stack up/ pile up/ heap up 등이다. up과 down은 along이나 across처럼 수평 방향을 나타내기도 한다. (특정한 장소·사람에) 가까운 쪽은 up을 쓰고, 먼 쪽은 down을 쓴다. ‘down the road’는 그 의미가 공간에서 시간으로 확대된다(그 길 아래쪽으로→장래에). If you go straight down this road, you’ll find the station(이 길로 죽 가면 역이 나옵니다). Hillary Clinton’s announcement to launch White House bid comes on the same day that the next president will be inaugurated two years down the road: January 20, 2009(대통령선거에 뛰어들겠다는 힐러리 클린턴의 성명은 2년 후 새 대통령이 취임하는 바로 그날(2009년 1월20일)과 같은 날에 나온 것이다). - CNN


come through는 ‘성공하다’ 해내다 go through는 ‘고통을 겪다’를 뜻한다.


게시문·명령문·격문(檄文)에는 동사가 생략되고 부사만 남는 경우가 많다. 문장의 제일 앞에 나온다. 미국의 동성애 잡지 ‘Out’은 coming-out에서 따온 것이다. coming-out은 come out of closet(벽장 속에서 나오다)의 줄임말로 자신이 동성애 취향(homosexual)이라는 것을 자발적으로 공개선언(public announcement)하는 것을 뜻한다.


come to: 정신이 들다의 뜻이다